YM Ng (吳綺敏)

TheraTalk 的輔導員,持有輔導心理學的專業資格。

YM 畢業後投身於心理輔導工作之中。YM 希望透過提供適切的心理服務及情緒支援,讓大眾有能力找到自己的優勢和潛能,助他們面對與度過生命發展階段中的每個挑戰與難題,以達至身心靈的健康。

YM is a counselling psychologist and prepare/enrich facilitator in Hong Kong. To achieve physical and mental health of people, she looks forward to helping people realize their unique strength and potential by providing accessible psychological services, so they can cope with challenges and difficulties in different life stages.


  • 香港樹仁大學社會科學碩士(輔導心理學)

  • 香港心理學會 (HKPS) 會員

  • 香港專業輔導協會(HKPCA) 會員

  • 美國婚姻分析 PREPARE/ENRICH 評估執行協談員

Education & Qualifications

  • Master of Social Sciences in Counselling Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

  • Member, Hong Kong Psychological Society ( HKPS)

  • Member, The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association

  • Prepare-Enrich Facilitators